Welcome to the New Cast Member Experience!
Everything you need to
Raise Money
Guidance, sign-ups, and templates to secure ad sponsors
My Progress
Check your fundraising progress
Donate Now
Hints and templates for soliciting Donate Nows and other contributions
Raffle Tickets
Request raffle tickets and submit payments
{if we can do it}
Prepare for the Show
Missed an email? View the latest detailed schedules for upcoming rehearsals.
Every cast member needs a Jambo T-shirt for the finale. Order by mm/dd/yy!
Grab a copy of the show related materials from auditions.
Scene Materials
Everything you need to be ready for your scene. Videos, music, costumes, etc.
Make Up
Tips and tricks for applying stage ready makeup
Got lines or just want to follow along? Need the latest version?
My Scenes & Roles
Lost your scene assignments or forgot? Click above to see what you are in.
Engage with Fellow Cast and Volunteers
Cast Guide
Pictures and contact information for all cast and other volunteers
Parties, Happy Hours
Sign up for official cast parties and learn about upcoming happy hours
Social Media
Join GroupSpot (for internal communications) and our other social media channels